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When do Carpenter Ants Come Out in The Spring?

Carpenter ants are a common nuisance for homeowners, especially during the spring season. These large ants can cause significant damage to wooden structures and can be difficult to get rid of once they establish a colony. Understanding when carpenter ants come out in the spring can help you take preventative measures to protect your home.

The Life Cycle of Carpenter Ants

To understand when carpenter ants come out in the spring, it's important to know a bit about their life cycle. Carpenter ants have a complex life cycle that includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

During the winter months, carpenter ants enter a period of dormancy known as diapause. This is similar to hibernation and helps them survive the cold temperatures. While in diapause, carpenter ant colonies remain inactive and do not produce new eggs or expand their nests.

As temperatures begin to rise in the spring, carpenter ants become more active and start preparing for reproduction. The queen ant will lay eggs, which will then hatch into larvae. These larvae will eventually develop into adult worker ants who are responsible for expanding the nest and gathering food.

Signs of Carpenter Ant Activity

One of the first signs that carpenter ants are becoming active in the spring is the presence of winged reproductive ants known as swarmers or alates. These winged ants are males and females that leave the nest to mate and establish new colonies.

Swarming typically occurs on warm days following rainfall or high humidity. You may notice swarms of flying ants around your property or even inside your home. This is a clear indication that carpenter ant activity is increasing.

In addition to swarmers, there are other signs that can indicate an infestation or increased activity of carpenter ants:

  1. Wood shavings: Carpenter ants excavate galleries within wood to create their nests. As they tunnel through the wood, they produce sawdust-like shavings known as frass. Finding piles of frass near wooden structures is a strong indication of carpenter ant activity.
  2. Damaged wood: Over time, carpenter ants can cause significant damage to wooden structures. Look for hollowed-out or damaged wood, especially in areas where moisture is present.
  3. Ant trails: Carpenter ants create well-defined trails along which they travel between their nest and food sources. These trails are often visible and can help you locate the nest.

Preventing Carpenter Ant Infestations

Prevention is key when it comes to dealing with carpenter ants. Here are some steps you can take to minimize the risk of an infestation:

  1. Eliminate food sources: Carpenter ants are attracted to sweet and sugary substances, as well as protein-based foods. Keep your kitchen clean and store food in sealed containers to reduce the availability of these food sources.
  2. Seal entry points: Inspect your home for any gaps or cracks that could serve as entry points for carpenter ants. Seal these openings with caulk or another appropriate sealant.
  3. Reduce moisture: Carpenter ants are drawn to moist environments, so it's important to address any water leaks or excess moisture issues in your home. Fix leaky pipes, ensure proper drainage around your property, and use dehumidifiers if necessary.
  4. Trim vegetation: Carpenter ants often use trees and shrubs as bridges to access homes. Trim back vegetation that comes into contact with your house to eliminate potential pathways for ants.
  5. Remove dead wood: Dead or decaying wood is attractive to carpenter ants as it provides an ideal nesting site. Remove any dead wood from your property to reduce the risk of infestation.

By following these preventive measures, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of a carpenter ant infestation in your home.

When To Call A Professional For Carpenter Ant Control

Carpenter ants come out in the spring as temperatures rise and they emerge from their period of dormancy. The presence of swarmers, wood shavings, damaged wood, and ant trails are all signs of increased carpenter ant activity. If you have a large carpenter ant infestation it is best to call in a professional pest control company like Environmental Pest Control. A professional carpenter ant exterminator has access to chemical products that homeowners do not and their trained technicians can quickly put a stop to any further damage at your home. Environmental Pest Control provides free estimates for carpenter ant infestations and provides preventative pest plans that protect against carpenter ants, so call us today!

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