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Why Are Winter Rodents Such a Problem?

Do Winter Rodents Hibernate?

Mice and rats become such a problem in the winter because they do not hibernate and need a warm place to shelter. Mice and rats are actually very active in the winter. So while all the warm temperature pests go away in winter, home owners still have to deal with mice and rats. Briefly explain that rodents seek shelter, warmth, and food during the winter months. Property damage and health risks rise if you have rodents in your home. Environmental Pest Control is a professional mice & rodent, rat exterminator company that can protect your home this winter. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Winter Rodent Identification

House Mice

House mice can grow up to 3 ¾ inches in length, not including their long tails. They are usually light brown or grey in color, and have small eyes and large ears. They are great climbers and jumpers, and are active mostly at night, though they will forage for seeds, grains, insects, and other foods during the day.

Norway Rats

Norway rats are generally 7-12 inches in length with equally long tails. They are brown, fur-covered and shaggy. They typically frequent farmland, as well as fields and barns, where they will find garbage and hide in wood piles or dig underground. They are nocturnal and will scavenge for just about any type of food they can find.

Roof Rats

Norway rats are a couple of inches smaller than Norway rats, and they are very good at climbing. They like to nest in attics. As their name suggests, they like to scurry along roof lines from place to place. These rats can breed prolifically and produce up to 40 young per female rat.

Problems Posed By Winter Rodents In The Home

Having rodents in your home in the winter is more than a nuisance, it comes with health hazards and property damage risks. Here is a list of some issues that come with having rodents in your home:

    • Spread of disease pathogens like hantavirus, Listeria, and Salmonella.
    • Carrying ticks that transmit diseases.
    • Introducing fleas into the home.
    • Contaminating food and surfaces leading to food poisoning.
    • Allergic reactions caused by urine droplets.
    • Fire hazards from chewing through electrical wires.
    • Water damage from gnawing on plumbing pipes.
    • Property destruction by chewing through insulation, wall boards, etc.

Prevention and Elimination of Winter Rodents

There are things every home owner can do in late summer to prepare the home against a winter rodent infestation. Keep in mind that mice can squeeze through a hole the size of a dime, rats the size of a quarter. Seal up all entry points to the home, make sure all screens and windows are in good condition, check doors for gaps and replace worn out door sweeps. Those are some DIY tips. Now, in addition to basic home sealing and upkeep, in order to fully stop winter rodent infestations in your home, you will need exterior rodent bait stations to be set up and serviced by a pest control professional. Being on a quarterly preventative pest control plan is one of the best ways to defend your home against winter rodents.


Mice and rats are a nuisance winter pest because your home provides the warmth they need. They bring health and property risks so act now and defend your home this winter season. Environmental Pest Control’s expert technicians have the training and products at their disposal to solve your wintertime rodent needs. Call us today for a free inspection and we’ll provide you with a no strings attached recommendation!

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