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Bat Removal in

West Virginia

Attics, Walls, Roofs, Eaves,Porches in MD, VA, WV.

Bat Removal Services in

West Virginia

Environmental Pest Control is the best bat removal company in
West Virginia
. Do you have bats in your attic? Hear scratching or flutter sounds in your walls around dusk or dawn? Do you see bat droppings in specific areas of your attic? Looking for a responsive and local bat removal service that offers free inspections? We will safely and humanly remove bats from your attic and home. From removal, to insulation sanitation to guano clean-up we do it all. It is ILLEGAL to kill bats so you must remove them - extermination is not an option.
Bat Removal Near Me in
West Virginia
Environmental Pest Control is the best bat removal company in
West Virginia
. Since 2006, our highly trained wildlife removal technicians have been helping home owners with bat removal services that protect their homes and families.  We provide free estimates and free inspections for all your needs so give us a call today!
What Are Signs of a Bat Infestation in
West Virginia
Most bat issues start when a homeowner hears scratching, clawing, or fluttering sounds in the walls or attic of their home.  Dusk and dawn are the common times homeowners will hear these sounds when bats are leaving the home and then returning.   Other signs are seeing bat droppings, smelling a musty odor from urine and droppings, and actually seeing bats flying out of your home! All of these are signs that something is going on and it’s very important to schedule a free inspection!
Are Bats in
West Virginia
Bats are extremely important for the environment. They are pollinators that pollenate plants and they are natures "insectivores" eating mosquitoes, moths, and beetles all night. One little brown bat can eat upwards of 1,000 mosquitoes each night! So bats are very beneficial to our ecosystem but pose a problem when they roost in your home. Bat guano is toxic and can cause histoplasmosis, a fungal disease that affects the lungs and can be life threatening. In addition, bat urine has a very potent smell resembling musty ammonia. Bats are notorious carriers of diseases, including viruses and rabies that can make them more aggressive.
Types of Bats in
West Virginia
The Big Brown Bat, Evening Bat, Little Brown Bat, and Brazilian free-tailed bat are the four bat species in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia that are most likely to take residence in a building. Let us take a closer look at each of these bats. There have also been sightings of other bat species in Loudoun County recently.
Big Brown Bat - Their fur is long, tends to be oily, and ranges from light to dark brown, contrasting with the black of their muzzle, ears, and wing membranes. Their ears are short and blunt, their snout and mouth are broad, and their tail membrane is not furred.
Evening Bat - The evening bat, Nycticeius humeral, is a small, dark brown bat with black wings and ears. Its fur is bicolored above (dark brown at the base and dull grayish brown at the tips) and lighter brown below.
Little Brown Bat - The little brown bat has glossy brown fur. It has hair on its toes and it has pointed ears. It is between three and five inches in length and weighs between 1/16 and 1/2 ounces.
Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat - A medium-sized bat with a distinctive tail, which extends about ½ of its length beyond the back edge of the tail membrane. The short, dense fur is dark brown to grayish brown with the underside slightly paler. The wings are long and narrow.
Do Bats Hibernate?
Due to our cold winters, bats will migrate to warmer weather because they cannot withstand temperatures below freezing. However, if bats find warmth in your insulation in the walls of your home, they may be able to stay and hibernate and go into tupor, where breathing and heart rate slow way down. The places where bats hibernate is called hibernacula. Mating season for bats is late summer and early fall before bats hibernate or migrate. When temperatures warm, and insects begin to come back out, bats will starting emerging for the summer season, typically late March to early April in Maryland and Virginia. The female bats will give birth 6 to 8 weeks after they emerge from hibernation, typically in June. Baby bats starting flying only 3 weeks after being born. This is why July and August are peak bat months in Virginia and Maryland because what may have been only a few bats flying around in the spring is now a colony after the babies are all flying too.
How to Get Rid of Bats in Attic in
West Virginia
Getting rid of bats in an attic in
West Virginia
is a multi-step process to ensure the bats cannot come back and to ensure your home is safe. Environmental Pest Control will quickly remove bats from your attic and make sure they do not come back. All of our bat removal services come with a warranty. Here are the steps to getting rid of bats 
1) Bat Removal - The only solution for permanently removing bats from your attic is to install bat cones on the area(s) they are currently using and also sealing up the entire roofline of any cracks and holes. Bats can squeeze through any crack that is 3/8" wide! Without sealing up the entire roofline, the bats will simply find another entry point and continue roosting in the same places in your attic. All the internet DIY products for bat removal, like ultrasonic devices, strobe lighting, mothballs, and ammonia and other repellants almost always fail.
2) Clean Up & Disinfect - On a follow up service, the bat cone is removed (the bats have now left and cannot get back in) and permanently sealed. At this time any bat poop should be cleaned up and the infected area should be property treated with disinfectant.
3) Insulation Replacement - Because bat guano is extremely dangerous, almost all bat infestations require that homeowners replace their insulation to ensure all the bat guano is removed.

Bat Removal Services FAQ's

What areas do you service?

Please Click Here to see our entire MD, VA, and WV coverage areas.

How do you get rid of bats in the attic? 

Removal of bats in your attic is a complex problem we encounter in wildlife control. Definitely not a DIY issue if you want to do it right, safely and legally! Bat colonies are protected species and you must not kill them. The solution usually requires installation of one-way doors made specifically for bats, called bat cone excluders, and/or a special netting that lets bats fly out, but not fly back in. But you MUST first determine if there are baby bats present, or you will create a huge problem. Baby bats sometimes will not exit on their own. Left stranded they will crawl down your walls, into your house, and die creating a monumental mess, stink and attract more pests. 

Do you remove guano or bat poop from attics? Do you replace contaminated insulation? 

Yes on both counts! The bat poop, guano, should be removed and contaminated insulation replaced and we do both. Then the attic area sanitized. Guano is dangerous, releasing spores that cause Histoplasmosis a disease of the lungs. Cleanup requires special protective equipment and respirators. 

How can you prevent bats from coming back?

After all bats are removed from your attic and home, the entry points must be identified and sealed up. Bats can squeeze through small gaps of just 3/8 of an inch. If your seal up is incomplete, you will have you bats again.  We inspect for and perform exclusionary repairs to all access points including attic vents, chimney caps, gables, cracks, and ridge caps.

How much does it cost to remove bats from an attic?

The price for professional trapping and removal of bats in an attic is $600-$2,000. It will vary greatly depending on the service and if there is a warranty provided. There is a wide price-range based on treatment options such as trapping techniques.  Attic insulation removal-repair and exclusionary seal-up may be extra. You always want our free in-person inspection for bat removal jobs. CLICK HERE to see a complete list of average bat control prices in the Mid-Atlantic.

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