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How to Prevent Mice and Rats in your Home –Tips

Professional Rodent Control Company – D.C, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Tips for how to Protect Your Home & Family

As winter approaches in Virginia and Maryland mice and rats start to seek shelter. You usually don’t have an abundance of rodents without enough food and shelter provided. Don’t welcome these pests into your home by proving the food and shelter they need. Mice and rats are dangerous; SEE DETAIL

Exclusion is easier and less costly than extermination! Here are steps you can take. Or you can hire us to do the work professionally.
  1. All openings greater than 1/2″ should be sealed to exclude rats and greater than 1/4″ should be sealed to exclude mice. Use proven sealants like stainless steel wool, copper gauze and professional sealants.
  2. Likely access points for rodents are where utility lines come into walls, as well as openings around air conditioning, drain pipes and vents.
  3. Look for broken basement windows, warped doors, and unscreened vents as possible points of entry. All spaces beneath doors should be checked – and fixed – if the opening is too large. Remember, if a pencil can go through a hole or crack a mouse can go through it!
  4. Roofs should be checked to see that shingles are down tight and sheathing is complete. Also check roof ventilators, screen vents and louvered in wall vents.
  5. Remove food sources in yard, garage and house. Bird feeders may be fun but they are a dinner bell pulling rodents on to your property. Keep all pet food in metal containers and do not store them in the garage.
  6. Reduce outside habits especially if they are close to your house. No woodpiles, compost piles near the house or trees & shrubs touching the house.
Our Best Tip: Professional Prevention!

Rodent issues caused by mice, rats, and squirrels are big ticket items for homeowners.  Being on a preventative maintenance program, where issues such as entry points, habitat and food sources are resolved ahead of time greatly reduces the likelihood and cost-of having rodent damage at your house.  Environmental Pest Control offers rodent control programs that:

  1. Provide attic and ground exclusions (aka seal-up) services to protect homes against rodents. We use only proven professional-grade sealants.
  2. For attic exclusions, offer premier full attic inspections and industry-leading full attic warranty for 1 year and a 100% guarantee.
  3. For situations where squirrels are still in the attic, removal services where we humanely install a 1 way door and then seal up the entry points once the animal or rodent leaves.
  4. Free inspections CLICK HERE or call us.

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