Getting rid of Yellow Jackets on your house is best performed by a professional Yellow Jacket exterminator. When yellow jackets build nests on your home it is usually up high under your soffits, particularly where the roof peaks. These nests are typically 20’-40’ in height. Removal is quite simple and can be done by homeowners assuming the height is accessible. First, spray the nest with a wasp removal treatment available at local home supply stores. Then scrap the nest off with a scrapping tool that attaches to the end of a telescoping pole, like a painter’s pole. If you cannot access the nest then call Environmental Pest Control. We can access nests up to 50’ with our bee poles and large ladders. As always, the best way to protect your home is to have a
quarterly pest control program. While most pest companies do not cover yellow jacket nests over 15’, we include yellow jacket nest removal up to 25’ on your home.