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The Benefits of a Quarterly Pest Control Plan

Introduction to Pest Control Treatments

Having a pest or rodent infestation in your home is never a welcomed event. It is stressful, and depending on which issue your having, could pose a health issue for you and your family. In this article, we’ll discuss which pest issues can be dangerous, the treatment options homeowners have, the differences in costs based on the chosen approach, and our recommendation.

Pest Control Service Options

When it comes to pest control, home owners have 2 choices when they face a pest control problem: Get a one time treatment (reactive) or put in place a recurring pest plan (proactive). Depending on the type of issue (pest vs. rodent), and how often these issues occur per year, will be the main decision drivers for home owners. Lets take a look at each.

One Time Pest Treatment

  • One time pest treatments are reactive, meaning they are administered after a pest problem has already occurred.
  • A one time pest treatment will typically come with a 30 day warranty.
  • A one time pest treatment can cost anywhere from $150 to $450.
  • One time pest treatments are effective for minor pest infestations only. Large pest infestations require multiple services to completely resolve.
  • One time pest treatments are not effective for particular pests because of their difficulty in exterminating and because they are carriers of diseases: cockroaches, mice, rats.
  • One time pest treatments are not recommended if you live in an area where you have more than one pest issue per year. Two one time pest treatments per year is likely going to be more than a quarterly pest control plan.

Quarterly Pest Control Plan

  • A quarterly pest control plan is a preventative plan whose main goal is to proactively stop pest infestations from happening before they occur.
  • A quarterly pest control plan mostly always comes with a 100% guarantee because a warranty is provided between each of its treatments. This means the company will come back for free if issues are still present.
  • Quarterly pest control plans typically cost $90-$200 per treatment depending on the size of the property and the pests that are covered under warranty. This means the annual cost of a quarterly pest control plan ranges from $360-$800 per year.
  • A recurring pest control plan is almost always required for large pest infestations or for the treatment of cockroaches, mice, rats.
  • If your property experiences two or more pest issues per year, a recurring pest plan is the right choice for you.

Benefits of Quarterly Pest Control Services

  1. Cost Friendly. It is simple math. In almost all situations the annual cost of two one time treatments will be close to, or more than, the annual cost of a quarterly pest control plan
  2. Quarterly pest control services come with the best warranty for piece of mind.
  3. Quarterly pest control plans are the only way to completely solve large pest issues or cockroach and rodent infestations. Cockroach and rodent infestations (mice, rats) are particularly challenging and require multiple visits to achieve the desired results.
  4. Homeowners receive the most pest protection from a quarterly pest control plan. Be sure to compare coverage between companies. Environmental Pest Control covers 20+ pests an rodents on their quarterly pest control plan including rarely covered pests such as: carpenter ants, carpenter bees, mice, rats, and stink bugs.
  5. Recurring pest control plans provide ease of use for the customer. Automated service notifications, automated scheduling are all benefits.
  6. Your technician gets to know you and your property. You’ll develop a relationship with your technician, you won’t be just another address. Also your technician will become an expert in your property and how to best protect you and your family.


One time pest treatments are acceptable if your home rarely has pest issues and those issues are not from hard to treat pests. Quarterly pest control plans are the best for homeowners who want year round protection from the most pests and rodents, who experience 2+ pest issues per year, and who want ease of use with a dedicated pest professional and white glove communication and service. Environmental Pest Control provides all of this through our quarterly pest plan called our Standard Care Plan. Call us today to receive your free over the phone estimate!

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